Saturday, August 29, 2009

Uganda through Jessica's Eyes/Camera

Dear Readers,

Please excuse my long absence from the blogging world. Things have been busy: 7 weeks in Africa, 3 days in NYC, 1 week as a camp counselor. I've been able to wind down and clean some of the chaos in my room after 11 weeks of an intense, but incredibly rewarding, summer. I'm working on putting together reports and albums to wrap up my African experiences. I'm also preparing internship materials to guide the next few months (and maybe the rest) of my journey toward nonprofit accounting.

I've been trying to upload as many videos as possible, but Vimeo has a weekly limit. Thankfully, I've been able to upload all my footage from Uganda (see below)!


Jessica K. Nguyen
Senior - Accounting & Finance
Michael G. Foster School of Business
University of Washington, Seattle

Here they are in chronological order:

Africa 2009 (Uganda): Corporate worship at Mnamuwongo Revival Church from Jessica Nguyen on Vimeo.

Africa 2009 (Uganda): Simon singing and dancing at Mnawumongo Revival Church from Jessica Nguyen on Vimeo.

Africa 2009 (Uganda): Sunday School at Mnamuwongo Revival Church from Jessica Nguyen on Vimeo.

Africa 2009 (Uganda): The ride to work from Jessica Nguyen on Vimeo.

Africa 2009 (Uganda): Paul and Julius making biofuel from Jessica Nguyen on Vimeo.

Africa 2009 (Uganda): Rain storm in Soroti! from Jessica Nguyen on Vimeo.

Africa 2009 (Uganda): jammin' in the rain from Jessica Nguyen on Vimeo.

Africa 2009 (Uganda): Practicing Beacon of Hope Song from Jessica Nguyen on Vimeo.

Africa 2009 (Uganda): It's a BAT! from Jessica Nguyen on Vimeo.

Africa 2009 (Uganda): Soroti Municipal Chorus Performance (1) from Jessica Nguyen on Vimeo.

Africa 2009 (Uganda): Stories from Simon from Jessica Nguyen on Vimeo.

Africa 2009 (Uganda): Kids choir at Mnamuwongo from Jessica Nguyen on Vimeo.

Africa 2009 (Uganda): So Long, Farewell! from Jessica Nguyen on Vimeo.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Inventories (RSA) as of 31 July 2009

Animal Encounters/Sightings
1 - kitten @ Cottages
3 - guard dogs
8 - baboons spotted on drive from Joburg to the Cottages
5 - ostriches spotted on the way into town
1 - horseback safari where we saw:
...5 - herd of zebra
...6 - giraffe seen up-close
...2 - giraffe seen from a distance
...4 - wildebeast
...1 - herd of caribou
...1 - herd of impala
...33 - rhinos who hid from us

Child Interactions
25 - kids at the Cottages (more on the way!)
8 - high school students
3 - preschool-age kids
1 - infant
1 - unborn (expected in August)
6 - children who fell asleep on my lap
1 - child who fell asleep on my head
2 - savings accounts started for children
1 - semester of University registration and school fees for a double-orphan
21 - kids who learned to type
10 - kids who learned to play drums
8 - kids helped with school work
13+ - children taught to play pick-up stix
6 - children taught to play Slide (hand game)
7 - pairs of pants mended
4 - kids who helped me hand wash my clothes
3 - primary school classes taught (Grade 7: Technology & English)

1274 - pictures taken
23 - videos captured
15+ - songs learned
4 - songs taught
1 - song recorded
1 - book started (finished after returning to the U.S.)
5 - books still reading

After 22 hours of flying and 9 hours of layovers (with some logistical mishaps in between) Paul and I arrived back in Seattle last Saturday evening, August 1st. It was a HUGE blessing to be able to see the kids at the Cottages again... I'm still processing everything that's happened in the last 8 weeks, and hopefully I'll be able to update this blog more often to give you a better view of what happened. Check out my Vimeo account, too, 'cause I'll be uploading videos there, as well.

Glad to be back,

Jessica K. Nguyen
Michael G. Foster School of Business, Class of 2010
University of Washington, Seattle