It has been two years since I last laid foot on your grounds. Since then I had forgotten many of the things that I love about you. Below you will find six significant features that I’m thankful to be exposed to again. This list is certainly not exhaustive, but it sums up my feelings quite well. Enjoy!
1. Your scenery
2. Your accents!
Okay, so I know that for you the way your people talk is not considered an accent and I’m the one who talks funny, but I love the way your people speak. I love the native tongues and the unique way that it affects how your people speak English (and especially that the accent is different in every region). It’s so cool just to listen to. Sometimes I just want to record people talking so I can play it back later… but that might be creepy and stalker-ish, haha!
3. Your drivers
4. Your patience
I mentioned in a recent blog post that I was impressed by Simon’s patience with helping us withdraw money and obtain SIM cards and airtime. This four-hour ordeal would’ve been unacceptable in the US. In most countries, people are a lot more lax and not in a rush. “African time,” “Asian time,” and “European time” refer to the difference between the stated time of a meeting and the actual time of a meeting. My transportation has been at least an hour late every morning, but it helps me to grow in patience and remember that there’s really no rush. I should make a more conscious effort to not impose efficiency-imperialism on others.
5. Your hospitality
Even though it’s hard for me to remember faces here and I have to keep asking for names, the people here are extremely friendly. It is rare, to say the least, for me to be in the same room as someone without him or her greeting me and asking, “How are you?” with warmness and kindness. This is something I can learn from the African people: to not be so pretentious, proud, and insecure and to acknowledge people’s presences because it helps to break the ice and build relationships with others. I’ve also noticed the drastic difference in the business environment. In my International Business class we learned about how in Japan (and many other parts of the world) businesspeople want to build a relationship before completing a transaction, whereas Americans want to finish transactions and maybe build a relationship if there’s extra time. The former is also true in Africa, and probably in many other parts of the world.
6. Your music/dancing
I will do my best to savor these things over the next five weeks. To my African friends: I hope this leaves you at least a little nostalgic! ;)
With deep sincerity,
Jessica K. Nguyen
Michael G. Foster Business School - Class of 2010
University of Washington, Seattle
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